OALA Aspiring Administrator Program


The Oregon Association of Latino Administrators (OALA) is proud to announce the opening of the application process for Cohort 10 of the Aspiring Administrator Leadership Program.  The application opens on February 4, 2024 and will be due March 29, 2024. 

The leadership program is the first of its kind in Oregon, 89% of our proteges are in an education leadership role.  With our  partners, Coalition of Oregon School Administrators and Curriculum Associates we focus on preparing the next generation of Latino/a administrators with the skills necessary to be an effective leader.

Protégés are selected for the program based on their leadership potential and their commitment to raising the level of student achievement for the districts they serve. The process includes an application, resume, letter of support from the superintendent, and an interview.  

The year-long program covers: leadership development, best practices for equity and systemic reform, social justice and leadership, strategic planning, and administration preparation. 

Protégés will require the following from their district leadership: letter of support from the superintendent that recognizes leadership potential, fee (up to $2,500 depending on size of district) participation in the program, and sub coverage (up to 8 days) paid by the district for protege to participate in sessions. 

Application for Cohort 10

Calendar for Cohort 10

If you have any questions regarding the Aspiring Administrator Leadership Program, please contact Karen Ramirez Gutierrez at karen.ramirez@oalaboard.org or Amy Torres at amy.torres@oalaboard.org   

OALA was created in an attempt to be a vehicle to support and mentor Latino Administrators as well Latino educators who aspire to become administrators in the State of Oregon. We understand the growing challenges of teaching and administering in schools that are becoming increasingly more diverse. We’d like to invite you to consider joining our Aspiring Administrator Program.

OALA Aspiring
Administrator Program

We have created the OALA Aspiring Administration Program to not only help current Latino administrators but to help mentorship, equip and develop the next generation of Latino educators who aspire to become administrators in the state of Oregon. To learn more about our Aspiring Administrator Leadership Program, please click the button below.

“Being part of OALA's Protégé program was an absolute honor- it transformed my professional journey.”

— Former OALA Protégé member